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Fat burning program

 Fat burning program

The fat burning program

The program that we have prepared for you is the simplest diet program ever that has no health harms; Many centenarians follow the program here, and it is a dietary pattern used by those who have enjoyed health, fitness, and beauty throughout their lives. It is a realistic program suitable for those who love food and enjoy it. It is also suitable for those who have tried hundreds of programs and have not achieved the goal they were hoping for. We can implement this fat-burning program at any time and at any age, and we can repeat it easily. This fat-burning program takes only 70 days and is divided into 3 stages, each stage of three weeks, interspersed with periods to break the diet. After 70 days, you will become fitter, healthier, more agile and more beautiful. We will have built a solid foundation to reach the pinnacle of achieving goals, and we can repeat it if we like. In this program: Programs that claim that exercise is unnecessary. In this program, we will learn the secret exercise, the exercise of tightening the abdomen, straightening the back, tightening the body, exercises to quickly charge the muscles, and stretching exercises. The club is not necessary to exercise in this program. We are not training to reach the World Cup, but we will get what is the best health for the end of the world. The simpler the exercises, the better. This program is suitable for anyone who wants to lose 1 or 50 kilograms because it teaches us the correct and healthy principles of healthy, delicious food. Let's start the program, let's eliminate fat. Let us agree that choosing a companion, partner, and friend in this program makes the beginning enjoyable and the results wonderful. In this program, we eliminate bad habits and at the same time eliminate fat. The first stage: A 10-day internal cleansing program, the first step towards cell regeneration and naturally cleansing the body of toxins. We start with the weight on the first day, and the second time is 10 days after the start of the program. - It is preferable to take a frontal photo and a side photo in the natural position of the body. - Recording weight, body mass, and fat percentage. - I stay away from pessimists and complainers and look for someone who loves life and sports and sees life as beautiful. - Stay away from television programs that talk about problems, issues, and concerns, as they are programs that cause depression, and look for everything that is beautiful to enjoy life. The second step: The number of meals per day should not be less than 4-5. At the beginning of the program, we will learn not to be hungry and we will eat every 3-4 hours.

Amount of fruits and vegetables

In this program, we are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables until we are satisfied, but we remember that we are a people who do not eat until we are hungry, and if we eat, we will not be satisfied.

The Strange Truth

The more times you eat, the more Metabolism increases more, and the more metabolism increases, the more calories we burn, and therefore the greater the weight loss. The hungrier we feel, the less metabolism and the body will resort to storing fat.

Be careful

not to reduce the number of meals or forget one of your meals. We will now present a model and... Each one of us must prepare for himself the appropriate times for work and the daily program, provided that there is a period between one meal and the other that does not exceed 4 hours. Before sleeping, try a dish of lupine, root, or grilled corn.

An eating schedule

that can be modified according to your life program.


A cup of water sweetened with honey, then the first meal: 8 a.m.

Noon: Snack.

Lunch: 2 p.m.


A fourth light meal is at 5 pm. Dinner: 7 pm before bed: a light meal.

Advice from Dr. Adel Abdel-Al:

Before we begin, let us remember: The first advice: - Do not neglect to eat raw nuts with water. - Don't forget to eat the seeds. - Try frozen grapes, they are delicious, low in calories, and quench hunger and thirst if you want something sweet. - If you want something sweet, don't forget the frozen dates. Second advice: Maintain foods rich in fiber because it prevents constipation, prevents cancer, and reduces cholesterol. Third tip: Have dinner and walk for 20-25 minutes after dinner. This helps increase metabolism and the ability to burn fat. It also leads to an increase in endorphins, which help you feel relaxed, calm, and happy. - Do not eat immediately before bed, at least one to one and a half hours before bed.

List of foods you need for internal cleaning in the first stage:

1 - Fruits: watermelon. Melon pear apple. Peach plum. apricot . an orange. Tangerine in any quantity. 2- Vegetables: cucumber, celery, parsley, dill, carrots, beets, turnips, and tomatoes - drink as much water as you can. 4-8 boiled egg whites. Good proteins are found in chickpeas, beans and peas. Lentils with sprouted fava beans, whether green or dried - Required carbohydrates: whole wheat, barley, grits, brown rice, yellow corn, and oats. - Spices and spices are allowed. - Yogurt once a day. List of foods and drinks that are not allowed: 1 - Pasta, noodles and baked goods. 2 - Cheese and cream. - Roasted nuts. - Dried and preserved fruits. - All types of juices, soft drinks and diet foods. - Coffee, Nescafe and similar drinks. - Egg yolks and potato chips. - Fried foods. - Fast food.

The required exercise effort

30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.

A simple guide to calories consumed and type of activity

Active walking = 450 calories Aerobic = 450 calories Swimming = 500 calories Cycling = 450 calories Fast walking = 600 calories Climbing the stairs = 900 calories How to perform: 30 minutes 5 times a week.

Sample of a simple exercise program:

Saturday: Half an hour active walking. Sunday: rest. Monday: Half an hour aerobic exercise. Tuesday: Half an hour bike. Wednesday: Half an hour on the mechanical ladder. Thursday: Rest. Friday: Half an hour of light weight training or equipment.

Dr. Adel Abdel-Al’s sports tips

First advice:

Start your day by exercising and be active throughout the day.

Second advice:

You do not need a club. You can exercise anywhere, even if it is walking in the place.

Third piece of advice:

Do not exceed 90-180 beats per minute during exercise. Example: A 40-year-old person, equation of adversity for effort, highest heart rate, minimum fat burning limit, maximum fat burning limit 220 - age 40 = 180 90 = 0.50 x 180 126 = 0.70 x 180

The second stage

Now We have finished the cleaning stage, which is the most difficult stage of the program. The body has gotten rid of waste and toxins, and the colon has become clean. This is the beginning of the most important stage in this program, and it only takes three weeks. The basic rules in this program (the second stage):

How many meals a day in this program?

At least 4-5 meals. It is important to set a schedule for eating.

What fruits and vegetables do we eat?

As in the previous stage.

Food and drinks allowed to be consumed in the second stage program.


Salad vegetables - cabbage - Lettuce - tomatoes - broccoli - cabbage - green peppers - spinach - artichokes - carrots - pumpkin - asparagus - potatoes - celery - okra - cucumber - dried or green beans - radish - peas - onions - lentils - corn, cowpeas - chicken, turkey - meat Cows. - Lamb meat without fat. Seafood: shrimp - oysters - crab - salmon. Eggs: Egg whites only. Milk: skimmed milk. Sweeteners: white honey. Spices and seasonings as needed. Flavors: olive oil - soy. Drinks: tea - coffee - lemon mint - water in any quantity.

In this program, watch out for the following:

-baked goods, cakes, pasta, and tahini. - Biscuits, chocolate, white sugar, and white rice. - Potato chips and fast food. - Soft drinks, juices, Nescafe, and coffee with cream.

Tips for the second stage (nutritional advice)

- It is forbidden to eat fish or meat twice in the same day. - Try to exercise for at least 20 minutes. - Get up from food when you crave it.

Sports Tips

- Effort must be increased by 10-15%. - Increase exercise from 30 minutes to 35 minutes. - Increase walking from one kilometer to one kilometer and 200 metres. - In this program, do not use weights in the next program and beyond..

Training model:

Saturday: Jumping rope 35 minutes = 408 calories Sunday: Airwick 35 minutes = 263 calories Monday: Walking 35 minutes = 350 calories Calories Tuesday: Swimming or walking 35 minutes = 291 calories Wednesday: Active walking 35 minutes = 350 calories Thursday: Rest Friday: Rest

The third stage

Repeat the second stage for 3 weeks, while adhering to all the rules we have explained. At the beginning of this program. Now, after the end of the program, we have achieved this amazing success and have gotten rid of waste and obesity. Thus, we have developed a lifestyle program. So we recommend repeating it for life.
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